
Welcome to the Run Pure Blog


It’s amazing what happens when you are able to take a concept from your own sphere of knowledge and transplant it into someone else’s head, creating an empowering change in their life.

This is the feeling I get when dealing with runners in my clinic or on my training programs. The feeling when a verbal cue translates into reduced pain or perceived effort, or a manual therapy release technique allowing a runner to run taller, or when taking their shoes off creates a correction in a faulty movement pattern. It’s priceless. And often it’s just the start of the journey.

The ability to make these changes in an athlete for the better of their performance, participation and enjoyment of running is what has led me to creating this company Run Pure.

My journey from a washed up sprint athlete to a nearly-respectable half marathoner has been one of huge self-discovery, countless hours of research and years of working with runners in the clinic both on and off the treadmill. I feel I have hit the sweet spot of my own strengths and expertise. By combining my athletics background of competing and coaching, with my sports physiotherapy clinical experience and eye for biomechanical change, plus my ability to to rationalise and problem solve, I am able to offer this service to runners on an all-important individualised basis.

I have made the commitment to finally get my ideas out into the world and share my knowledge on a more informal basis. This is the blog and I hope you enjoy it.